RESUMO: O presente trabalho foi elaborado com a finalidade de apontar e estudar os mecanismos que ordenamento jurídico brasileiro disponibiliza para consolidar a proteção do consumidor no comércio eletrônico. Para tanto, se fez necessário expor o fenômeno da evolução do comércio eletrônico e quais os direitos legais protetivos que respaldam prováveis litígios entre o consumidor e o fornecedor do mercado digital. Foi explanado como a evolução da relação de consumo se deu até o momento atual da era digital, o acompanhamento das leis nessa evolução e o papel do Estado nesse contexto e sua atuação. Assim, o estudo apresenta como os legisladores brasileiros regulam as disposições sobre a proteção do consumidor, fundado na Constituição Federal, emendas constitucionais, leis complementares, leis ordinárias, leis delegadas, medidas provisórias e decretos legislativos. Importante salientar que o comércio eletrônico por ser considerado um assunto recente, há necessidade da intervenção do Estado, dar atenção especial em investimentos e criação de leis modernas para poder acompanhar a evolução tecnológica, sendo que o mesmo é um dos mecanismos do comércio que mais movimentam a economia nacional e mundial. O estudo com certeza não esgotou todos os questionamentos existentes, e não houve essa pretensão, mas pode dar uma visão sobre a situação atual que envolve as problemáticas entre as partes envolvidas no comércio eletrônico. Foi feito observações sobre a importância de se punir os responsáveis que violam as leis e prejudicam os consumidores. Foram feita buscas mediante pesquisas bibliográficas de maneira dedutiva, e a metodologia utilizada baseia-se na revisão de literatura (pesquisa bibliográfica), consulta a livros da área jurídica, apostilas, internet em links e artigos “online” relacionados com o assunto. Verificou-se que em meio a tantas leis que regulam e protegem o direito do consumidor. O estudo apresenta que é grande ainda os números levantados sobre os problemas que envolvem o comércio eletrônico brasileiro e o Estado precisa intervir fortemente nessa situação, com investimentos em tecnológicos para combater as fraudes, investir com campanhas esclarecedoras sobre as leis vigentes de proteção do consumidor e criar leis que realmente punam os responsáveis pelos atos ilícitos praticados.

ABSTRACT: This work was done in order to pinpoint and study the mechanisms that Brazilian legal system offers to consolidate consumer protection in electronic commerce. Therefore, it was necessary to expose the phenomenon of the evolution of e-commerce and what protective legal rights that support likely disputes between the consumer and the supplier of the digital market. It was explained how the evolution of consumer relationship occurred up to the current time of the digital age, monitoring of laws in this evolution and the state’s role in this context and its operations. Thus, the study shows how Brazilian legislators regulate the provisions on consumer protection, founded on the Constitution, constitutional amendments, supplementary laws, ordinary laws, delegated laws provisional measures and legislative decrees. Important to note that the e-commerce to be considered a recent issue, there is need for state intervention, give special attention to investment and creating modern laws to keep up with technological developments, and the same is one of the trade mechanisms more move national and world economy. The study certainly all existing questions not exhausted, and there was no such intention, but it can give an insight into the current situation involving the issues between the parties involved in electronic commerce. It was made observations on the importance of punishing the perpetrators who violate laws and harm consumers. searches were made through literature searches of deductively, and the methodology used is based on literature review (literature), check the books of legal, handouts, internet links and articles “online” related to the subject. It was found that among so many laws that regulate and protect consumer rights. The study shows that it is still great numbers raised about the problems involving the Brazilian e-commerce and the state must intervene strongly in this situation, with technology investment to combat fraud, invest enlightening campaigns on existing laws consumer protection and create laws that really punish those responsible for wrongful acts. It was found that among so many laws that regulate and protect consumer rights. The study shows that it is still great numbers raised about the problems involving the Brazilian e-commerce and the state must intervene strongly in this situation, with technology investment to combat fraud, invest enlightening campaigns on existing laws consumer protection and create laws that really punish those responsible for wrongful acts. It was found that among so many laws that regulate and protect consumer rights. The study shows that it is still great numbers raised about the problems involving the Brazilian e-commerce and the state must intervene strongly in this situation, with technology investment to combat fraud, invest enlightening campaigns on existing laws consumer protection and create laws that really punish those responsible for wrongful acts.

Orientador: Roberto Sequinel

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